Senior homeowners ages 62+ can benefit from working with a reverse mortgage lender to find the best home loan solution for their needs.  
May 29, 2024
If you’re a senior homeowner (age 62 or older), here are five situations in which a reverse mortgage could be beneficial for you (plus three instances when it might not be an ideal option). 
May 12, 2024
As a good starting point to make sure that you are financially prepared for your senior years, use this easy method to calculate the savings you’ll need for retirement. 
May 10, 2024
Reverse mortgages have come a long way in recent years; while they were once thought to be a scam, reverse mortgages are a viable resource for senior homeowners who want to improve their financial security.       
May 05, 2024
Many people wonder if reverse mortgages are a good or bad idea. Depending on your unique situation as a senior homeowner, here are some benefits and disadvantages of reverse mortgages to consider.   
April 23, 2024
Because many Americans are living longer, they are looking for ways to fund their retirement years; a reverse mortgage could be one way to secure their financial futures.     
April 19, 2024
A reverse mortgage can be a valuable tool for senior homeowners who want to reduce debt, boost their retirement savings, or free up cash for monthly expenses.
March 31, 2024
A senior couple who owned their home, free and clear, used an HECM to establish a line of credit — allowing them to plan for future emergencies and to protect themselves against market volatility.  
March 21, 2024
Reverse mortgages may financially benefit senior homeowners (ages 62+) who are experiencing a divorce and are still paying a conventional mortgage. 
March 12, 2024
A senior homeowner eliminated her credit card and car loan debt and established a line of credit by refinancing her mortgage to a home equity conversion loan. 
February 20, 2024
A senior couple eliminated their mortgage payment, paid off most of their revolving debt, and were able to build up their savings by switching to a reverse mortgage, allowing them to retire earlier than anticipated.    
November 21, 2023
A senior woman who had recently lost her husband and much of her income used a reverse mortgage to stabilize her financial situation and create security for the years to come.  
October 17, 2023
HECM reverse mortgages can be a good option for seniors in specific situations. Our reverse mortgage specialists can help you understand this unique loan option and determine if it’s right for your unique circumstances. 
October 05, 2023
A senior couple nearing retirement had planned their finances responsibly; but obtaining a reverse mortgage line of credit helped them elevate their resources even more, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of added financial security during retirement.
September 19, 2023
How a reverse mortgage helped a senior woman in need
August 16, 2023
To maintain his preferred lifestyle, a veterinarian swapped his conventional mortgage for a reverse mortgage and built a line of credit that came in handy when he retired three years ahead of schedule. 
July 06, 2023
How a WMC customer went from financial panic to peace with a reverse mortgage
June 06, 2023
In the right scenario, such as this one, a reverse mortgage can help seniors achieve their financial goals for retirement.
May 07, 2023
For some seniors (ages 62+), using a reverse mortgage to buy a home can be an ideal way to preserve their financial assets.
April 06, 2023
Are you over age 62 and considering a reverse mortgage? Depending on your unique situation, it could be a valid option to help you enjoy a financially stable retirement.
March 02, 2023
Preserving your savings or retirement portfolio is often a smart move. A reverse mortgage line of credit could help you maintain your savings and create a financially secure retirement.
February 13, 2023
Waiting to claim your Social Security benefits will result in an 8% increase for each year – from ages 66 to 70. For seniors ages over the age of 62, a reverse mortgage could allow you to delay collecting your Social Security benefits – helping you maximize the amount you will ultimately receive.
January 19, 2023